Friday, February 29, 2008
I was wrong.
It wasn't Alaina that does the impressions. It is Kady Malloy. Here is her you tube from last night.
The good news, now I am not at all bummed that Alaina is gone...maybe we will get one more good impression from this girl before she goes. :)
American Idol Results

Our Zion's Army was a lot of fun! In TN, it seems that we have a hard time getting sisters out for stuff like this. The conference combined two wards and there were still only about 30 women there. The ones who didn't attend really missed out. The food was great and so was the company. Our army training workshops were also a lot of fun!
I checked out the results this morning on american I was pretty confident that my favorites weren't going anywhere.
I am pleased with America's choices, but I am a little sad about Alaina...I think she has potential...I hope she will start her own impressionist talent show in Vegas someday..her impressions are amazing, and supposedly her singing is too, but unforutnately, she was never able to pull it out.
If I were on the show, I would rather be booted now than later. I mean really, why prolong the misery if you have no chance of winning anyway? And, that, ladies and gentlemen, proves my competitive spirit.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
lisa way!

Look at what Cally got for her birthday...We are all so jealous!
Really, Cally, you should have let Lori get one first, she was the one to tell us about lisa leonard. But, I guess you can't control the best sister ever. Can you ask her to share her love language with us on our next birthdays? (LG, I know you are reading...FYI...I just read this page and I think I would love any love language you want to give:) I'm not picky, I'll take whatever it is you want to give....a gift of value, a date, a massage, words of affirmation, whatever, you are so good at all of them)
Speaking of lisaleanord, check out her latest post about her sweet!
How safe is your neighborhood?
I really wish I wouldn't have looked at this, but I am glad to be informed that I have one directly behind my back fence!!! Scary! I guess the kids will not be playing outside without me this summer! It's lookin like it's time to move. But, with how many squares were on this map in the whole city of Knoxville, it is looking like it may be time to buy a gun and move out to the country.
Man, Shannon, I thank you for informing me, but I really am not going to be happy with my loss of sleep! Why do have to do that to me? You know how anxietal I am.
Brooke White again
Not so molly Mormonish! and much more entertaining.
I really think that it is going to be between her and David Archuleta at the end...we shall see.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Brooke White's back!

This picture was from last week, when her performance left me hoping for me. (They haven't posted from this week yet) I have to say that I am way happy that she is keeping with the LDS modesty standard. I am sure the pressure is high to strip off those clothes. She looks and sounds so great, hopefully she won't succumb to our sleazy society.
LG loves her because she isn't one of THOSE contestants that has to put her fingers up to tell you which number to call in. (That is so annoying)
And, tonight, we find out that she plays the guitar, too...the girl is way too talented. She sings, plays guitar and piano, and she can do hair. I really do love her voice.
Even, if she is a molly Mormon.
I am waiting!
You other slacker blog rollers beware. I am looking for someone to fill her spot on my "post or be banned" category!
Driving in the UK
Here is some interesting automobile vocabulary.
In England, the UK, or Britian (whatever you want to call it) they don't have gps's, they have navsat's. (short for satellite navigation) - I just tried to link navsat to Mike's post, but he has disappeared! (what's up with that Saxon?)
Here are the words Mike commented to me before he dissapeared from the net: (Mike, please come back)
trunk = boot
hood = bonnet
gas = petrol
transmission = gear box
A garage has three meanings: 1- the part of your house for the car, 2- the place you go to have your car fixed (we use that term sometimes) and 3- the gas station...go figure for that one. I have no idea why they don't call it a petrol station.
They call a four lane highway, a dual carriageway.
Their MOT's are what we would call our car's yearly safety inspection.
And, if you ever get sick of the traffic in your United State town, just start reading Saxon on a regular basis and you will get to read his repeated English traffic frustration!
WOW, someday I am going to need to take a vacation overseas so that I can use all of my new vocabulary, or maybe we should all start a revolution, and start using all of these words, all of the time in the United States. I think this will make us sound so much more sophisticated.
David Archuleta
California Dreamin, again
I have done this exact thing before, multiple's quite amazing to swim with the dolphins!
Thank you to Margaret Dillon for the e-mail forward. I have no idea if this photo has been edited or not, but I thought it was worth sharing because I know it is possible. I have fond memories of being in the ocean at the same exact time as at least 6 dolphins.
Growing up in California just 2 miles from the beach had it's definite perks. Swimming with dolphins is one of the greatest. It is a breathtaking experience and makes you feel like, even though you are just such a miniscule part of the great earth, you simultaneously are an important part of all of God's creations. It is almost the same feeling you get when a specific prayer is answered.
We live in a beautiful world!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Where will they visit?
Hey, she's not a princess!
You Are Megara!

Charming and witty. You are always the first person to come up with a wisecrack. Sure, you have an attitude, but that's why people love you. You keep them on their toes. Sometimes you can be misleading, but always end up doing the right thing for the people you love.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Really though, how perfect of a description is that of me? SO PERFECT!!! I guess it's all good, I never really wanted to be a princess anyway...don't quite fit in that category!
To blog or not to blog...that is the question.

Sometimes other moms will say to me, almost in a derogatory fashion, "I don't know how you find the time to blog so much." Sometimes I get a little sensitive and wonder why they don't just say, "Why don't you do more laundry or spend all your time with your kids?"
I usually just reply with , "I love to blog and so I make time for it." I mean really, why can't moms do things that they love, and why can't they support other moms in doing things that they love, even if it means neglecting their never ending chores sometimes? I think I have just decided that my new reply will be, "I don't know how you find the time to clean and micromanage your kids all day without going crazy."
Sometimes, when I want to blog, I justify it by knowing that it is at least more productive that crawling back into bed. That is what I want to do this morning. Believe it or not, blogging actually will get one more load of laundry done today. When I am done here, I will actually be awake enough to take a detour through the laundry room, even if I do park my tired body back on the couch. I swear I will never get over this is as if I could sleep for a week straight.

You see, blogging is a really good thing for me and my posterity.
So, what I am really trying to say: I think it is healthy for our kids to have some down time without as much micromanagement....when I support my creative bug, I also support theirs...and this is a good thing, even if the result is a little devilish!
As you can tell, I don't have much to blog about today, so here is my quote of the day:
"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult." ~ E.B White
Monday, February 25, 2008
Again, HuckaBEe Gone
It looks like SNL must have been inspired by my Romney campaign slogan. No wonder why he wouldn't listen to me months ago. I will give him a tidbit of credit for having a sense of humor though...that, or a really hip marketing specialist.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Funeral Processions

The first thing that came to mind after reading Laura's post that if to be truly Southern, you have to appreciate the lack of sidewalks, I will never be Southern. I so miss sidewalks. In California people actually get out and walk, just for fun. You can't do that here without worrying that someone will run you right over.
Sophia Speaks

The other morning, I took all the girls to their dentist, Dr Bo. (I will have to blog about Dr. Bo another day - LG always teases me that I have a crush on him - not true - but, he is just so cute with the kids - not to mention nice to me when they have cavities - Are there any other moms out there who just can't forgive themselves when their kids have a less than perfect check up?)
Anyhow, on with the story. On the way from the dentist to the school, Sophia noticed that LG and I had not packed her a lunch. She started crying and begging me to take her home first, so that we could get her a lunch. I said, "Sophia, I don't have time to go home, and they are having nachos at the school today and you like those. Just eat the nachos."
This sentence again was replied with the saga, of which we've heard at least 10 times since the school year started. "But, mom, they always put chili on the nachos and I don't like chili." I replied the same way we always do, "Just tell the lunch ladies that you don't want chili." The thought of actually speaking to the lunch ladies was too much. Sophia started crying again. (This child must take after her father, I just don't get her fear of people. It's no wonder her father never formally proposed...that is just too much pressure!)
So, when we got to school, I decided that I was going to put an end to the nonsense. Sophia's grade would be eating lunch in just 30 minutes. I told her that we were going to take a detour through the cafeteria to talk to the workers. She froze and planted her feet as to permanently attach her shoes to the piece of tile that is in the middle of the hall adjacent to the school's office! I said, "Sophia, this is ridiculous. It is their job to feed you. You don't have any problem asking me to tell every McDonald's worker that you want katsup only. C'mon, I am going to show you how easy this is."
I dragged her into the cafeteria where all the workers were sitting at their big table enjoying their last bit of a break before the kids came stampeding. There was no need to get their attention. All 8 workers were staring at me as I held Sophia in place. Sophia would not look anywhere but her feet and was squirming to get away. I said, "I am sorry to bother you, but this is my daughter Sophia. We just got done at the dentist and I forgot to pack her a lunch. Sophia loves nachos, but it a little nervous about asking you to leave the chili off. Is this something that someone could help her with today?"
Sophia was mortified. The head cafeteria worker didn't quite get the seriousness of this situation. She stood and as she walked over in our direction, she replied, "We have to give her the chili, it is federal regulation." (C'mon lady, work with me here.) I must have given her the perfect look of desperation. After staring Sophia and I down, she said, "But, we can put it on the side." I said to Sophia, "Do you think you can ask this nice lady to put it on the side?"
Only silence followed. The lunch lady wised up and said to me, "Whose class is she in?" I told her. She said, "Don't worry, we will help her today."
I walked away, dragged by Sophia's eagerness to escape. She was trying to keep her crying under control. I sat down with her as she tried to creep away. All I could do was hug her and tell her that I was trying to help her, not embarrass her. She kept repeating, "Just let me go to class, mom."She finally broke my hold, and as she ran off to class, I hollered, "I love you Sophia, have a great day, and enjoy your nachos."
I cried on the way home and called LG. I was plagued with the question as to whether or not this fiasco was even worth it. LG assured me that I did the right thing and told me that because I make Sophia face things that are so overwhelming, she will be better in the long run. For once, I didn't totally believe him.
I was left wondering all day as the whether or not it was worth the trouble. After school, Sophia got in the car triumphantly. (I immediately thought to myself that I was the best mom in the world) I asked Sophia, "How did lunch go?"
Sophia replied, "It was great mom, they had a bunch of trays with the chili on the side already. I didn't have to ask." Well, I have to admit that this was wise of the lunch ladies (easier than staying on the lookout for the wreck of a kindergartner named Sophia), but I felt a little sabotaged. Where did the cafeteria workers leave my lesson? Didn't they understand the depth of the execution?
A few days later, I took the kids to Wendy's. (We love Wendy's, here is another funny story about it.) As Sophia shouted from the back seat of the van that she wanted a hamburger with katsup only, I turned back and announced, "I am sorry Sophia, I am a little too shy, I don't think that I can ask the Wendy's worker for katsup only." Sophia thought that was the funniest thing she had ever heard and responded with, "Mom , you always ask them for katsup only", and almost as an afterthought she declared assuredly, "And, you are not shy." After I ordered as directed, I reminded Sophia that talking to the lunch ladies should be as easy as it was for me to place that order. (Not that the additional pep talk would do any good, but a mother has to try)
Sometimes parenting is so futile. I guarantee that the next time we are going through the morning routine of, "For lunch you have a choice between teriyaki beef bites, peach and cottage cheese, or you want to buy?" Sophia will automatically respond with, "I want to take, please."
On a side note, because this post is about Sophia speaking: Sophia gave a talk in church today. She was so cute as she repeatedly said "The Dr. of Covenants".
Saturday, February 23, 2008
For LG
You are mine,
I pray for all your dreams
And when you get there,
I will remember you now.
To the man of my dreams and the keeper of my heart.
Extra Extra...
Mac N Cheese Topic #1 - Staying Positive?
We started our More than Mac N Cheese mom's brunch at the church a few weeks ago. I will give Cally 95% of the credit for the cute name of our "club" and 100% credit for the cute flyer above. My 5% comes from the fact that I was the one that got the ball rolling with, "C'mon Cally, think of something, I am thinking along the lines of More than....more than something like PB&J."
Most people haven't seemed to enjoy the name as much as Cally and I, but when it takes off nationwide, we'll show them! :)
Anyhow, the brunch club is a way for the stay home moms to get together and talk about something besides which cartoons are the best and where to buy the best bargained clothes....o.k. it really is the whole point of the gathering to talk about stuff like that, but, hey, the perk is in the food....what's better than mac n cheese? Just about anything when you are a mother of a toddler!
At the first brunch, we determined the monthly topics for the rest of the year. So feel free to give me feedback! If you can give me one good thing to say, I will seem smart and I won't even have to waste precious blogging time researching the topic. Good plan, huh?
March's theme: How to stay positive.
Well, obviously, this would not be my strength. My blog used to be subtitled "I'm a Cynical Housewife" FYI cynicism is the polar opposite of staying positive. My mom got upset with the word cynical in my blog title and I really have been trying to work on my crummy outlook on life, and so I changed my blog's subheading a while back. Now, if you hadn't noticed, I am just "not your ordinary" housewife instead of cynical. WOW, that little change on my blog has already made me so much more positive. (And if you haven't heard, the new wave in blogging is to italics things when you are being sarcastic.)
So, now, the true reason for the post, the quote by Ronnie Shakes summarizes my current contribution for next month's topic:
thought: What the hell good would that do?
Do you think the ladies will be offended by the H-E- double hockey sticks? I can't leave it out, that word just makes the quote so much better.
My 2 cents to add to the quote. Like Shakes, I don't think we learn about being positive from reading a book. The thing that is the most helpful in keeping me positive: humor.
And they say that humor is rooted in tragedy. Wow, my life is looking more upbeat already.
The Edited Flu

Cally (if you link, scroll down to #2, couldn't get the piknik post to work) inspired me to give you this edited picnik version of the flu at our house.
What does a woman do when she is supposed to rest, her husband is studying for the bar, and they cancel two days of school?
No prob..."Children, you have free reign of the TV, toys, and the snack cabinet. Yes, those 4 boxes of fruit roll ups are not only yummy, they will keep you alive and semi-healthy." (If you add in the gogurts and dry cereal, they almost get every food group.)
Yes, they wore those pj's for two days straight. Sophia has been really into keeping up with her new "days of the week" panties that she got for Christmas. Last night I told her that she needed to change out of her pj's before she went to bed. This is what I hear Abigail exclaim from the bedroom, "Sophia, you are still wearing Wednesday." This statement was echoed by Sophia in between her fits of laughter.
My mother-in-law will be so stunned...she thinks that I am the clean underwear nazi. I don't know where she gets the notion, except for the fact that I always pack the girls double underwear when they go to her house. I once said to Faye, "I am not an underwear nazi, I only make them change their undewear daily. How often did your kids change their underwear?" She never did answer me.
We are now in the beginning stages of clean up. I have found at least 50 piles of wrappers that look just like this. Maybe we should clean up after the bar, what do you think?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Cable Guy

Maybe we should go on The Larry the Cable Guy diet.
He brags in this article that now that he is down 50 lbs, he is down a whole Olsen twin!
Yeah, that is funny!
Sidenote: he blames his initial weightgain on the pregnancy of his wife. Sorry honey....those babies just like to pack on the pounds. (If it makes you feel any better, I think that Larry the Cable Guy is sexy...I like a man with some meat)
The Sabbath

As Mormons, we take this scripture literally. We do not do anything on the Sabbath that requires others to work: eat out, shop, or any type of recreation. It is a frequent debate between members about how elaborate of a meal should even be made on a Sunday. Some people seem to think that even cooking a roast is too much work.
This strict Sabbath Day observence is sometimes hard for our children to understand. They understand that God has asked this of us in the Bible and our kids love God but, they just don't get why no one else around them seems to care.
All of our kids have had to miss out on a lot of birthday parties, but none was as hard for me as the one that Allie celebrated last month. Allie is Sophia's best friend. Allie is riot; we just love her. Sophia, being the shy kid that she is, just loves Allie; and Allie being as outgoing as she is, is a wonderful influence for Sophia. Sophia has proudly exclaimed repeatedly since the 2nd week of school that Allie is her best friend. I have never seen a happier child than Sophia when she brought home Allie's birthday invitation to the ice-skating rink. My excitement for Sophia being able to participate in the simple joy of life we call the birthday party was shattered when I referred to the calendar and saw that it would take place on a Sunday.
So, what did we do? We took Allie out to McDonald's after school on Friday instead. [ALL kids love McDonald's] We blew out a candle in her kids' meal hamburger and had ice-cream. Allie opened her gift and then, to pass time before we had to go back to meet her mom, we walked around K-mart and got some clearance Christmas candy. I guess this made an impression enough because yesterday when I took the girls back to this K-mart that we don't frequent, all Sophia and Bella could talk about was the day that we had brought Allie there. "Remember, this is where Allie hid. This is where we chased Allie. This is where we found the candy that we got with Allie."
So, I guess I dodged another birthday party bullet. Phew.
On another Sabbath day note:
On Sunday night, LG went to the Stake Bishopric training without me by his side to attend the simultaneous Wive's Training. I originally typed this post on Sunday evening, but according to my hubby's counsel I toned it down before publishing it.
As LG was leaving the meeting, he saw a friend of ours. He asked her what I had missed from the women's meeting when she asked where I was. LG told her that I had taken courage from a talk today in church. The regional rep's wife talked about resting from our labors on Sunday and when LG got home from church I explained to him that his calling in the Bishopric is one of my greatest labors. I was resting tonight! I needed to be home with my kids, not take them off to a sitter on Sunday. (If I am to be totally honest, I would have preferred to have LG home with us too, but I can't control him or his desire to attend his meetings)
Our friend told LG that the wives' meeting was about righteous selfishness. (I still don't think this is exactly the correct term) The friend explained, "The jist of the meeting was that when a woman has a husband in such a busy calling, it is o.k. for her to act selfishly sometimes if it is to meet the needs of the family. "
LG replied, "Oh good, I guess it was o.k. for Alice to miss this one. She's got that one down. In fact, she is practicing that right now."
Yeah for me: I am a great Sabbath Day keeper! Yes, I do a lot of other things wrong, and I may even receive criticism for my choice to not go to the meeting. But by golly, I am teaching my kids that the Sabbath is the day for a family to worship together, not to go to parties or be carted off to the sitter.
Domonick's back!

LG refused to pay for a microchip for our cat. I understand his cheapness, but I wonder if he was changing his mind during several of my sleepless nights that we couldn't find Kitty Bear. One night when she was a baby I stayed up all night and cried when she wandered away.
I went all around town putting up lost pet signs the next day just to have my neighbor across the street come rushing over to tell me that she saw the sign down the street and her daughter had taken the cat in for the night. (My neighbor is a HUGE animal lover - I could have kissed her)Kitty Bear had been meowing at the wrong door. Yes, she is smarter than that now. The only time she gets lost now is when she slips into someone's dresser drawer for a good warm night's sleep. But, man I was a wreck. LG had the nerve to say, "Man, Alice, what will you act like if anything ever happens to one of our kids."
But, between this story, my previous post, and thinking about Kitty Bear I have been reminded of our cats growing up. I cannot tell you how many cats we had growing least 20. The funny part: we always thought it was the same cat coming back.
We would always exclaim, "Mom, mom, Domonick's back."
My brother had named our first black cat with one little white spot under his chin, Domonick (after Dominoes). Of course the cats would disappear from time to time. (Wouldn't you want to escape from a family with 7 children?)
We were always a little sad whenever our cats would go missing, but to no avail. it would turn out o.k. when another black cat would show up...I guess black cats with little white spots must be quite common because I am sure that Domonick could never survive the surrounding wild infested with coyotes. Or did he?
Manx cats have no tails.
I thought I would post this joke in honor of our Manx cat, Kitty Bear, who slept on my chest throughout my night coughing on the couch two night's ago. Thanks to jokesfunny.
Animals in a Bar
There’s these animals in a restaurant. The waiter comes over at the end of the night …
The skunk says ‘Don’t look at me, I haven’t got a scent’
The duck says ‘Just put it on my bill’
The cow says ‘You’ll have to ask one of the udders’
The deer says ‘I had a buck last week and I’m expecting a little doe soon’
The giraffe says ‘Well, I guess the high balls are on me then’
The frog says, “I’ve got one greenback”
The vampire bat is thinking, “Which one can I stick for the drink today?”
The snake says, �I guess I can�t hold my liquor.�
Another snake says: ” If you think I’m paying that, you can kiss my Asp.”
No, the snake said, “It’s hiss turn to pay.”
The Rhinocerous says: “Don’t worry. When the waiter comes I’ll just charge it.”
The amoeba said, “I’ve got to split now.”
The paramecium said, “I’ll split it with him.”
The groundhog said, “If you let me go I shadow you a favor.”
The turtle said, “I shell pay next time.”
The chicken said, “I hope it’s cheep.”
The elephant said, “But I’ve hardly trunk a drop.”
The dachshund said, “I’ve got be to getting a long now.”
The manx cat said, “I know you’ve probably heard this tail before, but I’m a little short.”
The chicken said, “If feather I pay it’ll be a cold day in heck.”
And the snail said, “No, you shell out the same as me”!
And the trotters said “take 50 cents from two quarterhorses”.
The beaver said, “Dam if I’ll pay”.
Ken said “See Barbie ’bout a doll, her”.
The cows said “We got plenty o’ mooolah”.
The bumblebee said “Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z zzzzzzz off
The zebra said, “It’s black and white–I haven’t the money.”
They each said, “Ask some otter animal.”
But the lion said, “I’ll pay–I’ve still got my pride.”
Will You Marry Me?
Check your finger here. Man, what if you get the birdie...does that just mean that you are crotchety with no hope?
You Are a Ring Finger |
![]() You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything. You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word. Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world. You get along well with: The Pinky Stay away from: The Index Finger |
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
American Idol Women
Oh yeah - Pres Day

Yes, Presiden't Day would have went unnoticed at our house this year if it wasn't for the following conversation that just took place on the way home from school.
Abigail: "Mom, Abraham Lincoln was a liar."
Mom: (not totally paying attention) "Really, why?"
Abigail: no response
Mom: (realizing what Abigail just said and wondering what in the world they are teaching at public school) "Did you say that Abraham Lincoln was a liar? I've never heard that."
Abigail: "No, mom, I said, he was a lawyer."
Mom: Cracking up. "Do you know why that was so funny ?"
Abigail: SMILING HUGE because she got it..."Yeah mom, his name is Honest Abe."
So, I guess that public schools aren't failing us, even though Abigail reminds me now that my hearing continues to fail me.
I guess the lawyer/liar thing is a secondary part of the joke.
Subway - Eat Fresh

In my last post I made mention to asking for a sarnie at Subway.
I then went back to instapundit to find the link about Jared's ridiculously hot girlfriend. (Who by the way, I don't think she is hot at all.) This link about Jared's marketing power is very interesting.
Jared is the man. You have to give him credit for keeping all his weight off and making a fortune at eating out. All we ever do is give our money away when we eat out. (But hey, at least, we won't have to give up half our fortune to an X, like Jared is having to do)
English Ed & Et #4
I love Harry Potter. The books have got to be one of my very favorite things that have come from Britian.
Here are some more English terms brought to you by my two favorite English bloggers: Saxon and Mike Ball.
I will just share the ones with HP connections for now:
lift - elevator or giving someone a ride. How about taking a lift in that muggle flying car? or We took the lift to our dormitory, isntead of hiking the 12 flights of stairs.
headmaster - the principal of course. Did you know that Dumbledore was gay?
Muggins - fool, sap, etc. Now, who would you consider a muggins? Malfoy?
galleon and pence: from Saxon - A galleon is about 4 Litres I think. (me: what is a litre?) There are 100 pennies(pence) in a pound. ie. How many galleons did that Nimbus 2000 cost? Read Saxon's comment to understand how totally idiotic I was with this one. I think I got a little confused here from reading Harry Potter...don't they call wizard money a galleon?
tea - not just tea, but also dinner Will you join me in The Great Hall for some tea?
sarnie -sandwich (yeah, this will be a fun one to try and incorporate into my vocab next time I go to Subway- "Can I have a sarnie please?)
And lastly, for the people who may want to watch the news about Radcliffe when they do visit the U.K., you need to know this crazy tidbit:
If you have a TV you have to buy a TV licence here in the UK. It only lasts for a year so you have to buy a new one each year as long as you have a TV. The licence is a £135 and if you don't have one and are caught by one of the 'detector vans' watching TV you will get a fine of up to £1000. (I still haven't figured out how much money that is, but either way, that seems just crazy to me)
Hope you took me long enough to get to it.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Church signs

While at Cracker Barrel a few weeks ago, I saw the above book, The Great American Book of Church Signs. It was very fun to rummage through. This book is a compilation of a very important part of Southern living: the church sign. I have to admit that even though I have never even stepped foot inside of a church that sports any type of unique church sign, the signs are one of my favorite aspects of Southern living.
For my many Western friends. Let me explain. In the South a person in a vehicle can pass a different church at about every block. Under the name of the congregation, each of those churches usually display a block letter sign with a new weekly message. There seems to be an unspoken competition going on. The winner of the competition will win the most parishoners for the following Sunday. How will the church sign do that? Well, of course, the parishioners will not be able to resist attending because of the originality or perfect humor of the church sign.
I grew up in California where all church signs were very bland. Their sole purpose was to let the passer-by know which domination was represented. In Utah, it seems that every church has the same The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sign etched in granite out front. Which, in its own way is entertaining, given that you will have two exactly similar signs sported a block apart.
But, in the South, the church sign is vital for the spread of Christianity and humor. I am unsure how the church sign tradition got started, but I am sure it has to do with some unorthodox Baptist preacher a few hundred years ago. And, yes, he must have been a good preacher because he can take credit for even teaching this Mormon how to be a better Christian. Here are some of the messages from the signs that I have seen recently:
Lost? Get a GPS (God's plan of salvation)
You think it't hot here.
Who's your daddy?
Free trip to heaven, details inside.
Church parking only - violators will be baptized.
God loves you and he approves this message.
Wal-Mart is not the only saving place.
God answers knee-mail.
Friends don't let friends go to hell.
Don't make me come down there. ~ God
If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.
The wage of sin is death, repent before payday.
At the heart of sin is the letter I.
Pessimists need a kick in the cant's.
So, feel free to add your favorite Southern church sign in a comment. Whenever we all get over the flu at my house, and I can actually think I may try to come up with some signs that they can adopt to put in front of the Mormon churches in Utah. Here are a few off of the top of my fried sick brain:
Join our ward, the boundary is unlimited.
Our Bishop is better than yours!
Is your sacrament bread homemade?
Join us, every Sunday is fast.
Yeah yeah, these are week; I am sick! I can't stop coughing, so I am going to go. I just didn't want to be banned to my own bi-weekly blogger list.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Word Association
Legos of Thriller. (it's legos 50th anniversary & this link shows Thriller redone w/ legos) Only something a man could enjoy.
And, thriller of some prison in The Phillipines. You have all probably seen this video, but I thought it was worth posting for those who may have not seen it yet. I was in awe the first time I saw it. If you haven't heard about this prison who elected to have dancing as their main source of rehibilitation, you have to check this article out before you watch the following video.
And, yes, I do promise to get back to a story some day soon. I know I have been a little You Tube crazy lately. I haven't had a lot of blogging time.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
And another one...on Star Search
This was the original version of American Idol... I also loved this show, especially Ed McMahon. My family used to crowd around the TV for this when I was a kid, maybe those memories are the reason I justify letting my kids stay up on school night's for American Idol.
Introducing David Archuleta
Can you believe that he was first discovered when his dad ran into a musician at Sam's Club?,not as cool as being on American Idol? And did I mention that HE'S 16!!!
Was I Right?

But, I am catching up on my American Idol obsession online today. My obsession is a good thing for one reason...I cannot tell you how many American Idol google searches have come to my blog!!! Google is a good thing!
Here is the nanny, Brooke White, that I made mention to in a previous American Idol post.
What do you think? Mormon or not? If you don't think she is a Mormon just watch this linked interview and see if it changes your mind.

Friday, February 15, 2008
LG's fav's from SS
His 2nd favorite is Ben Stiller with "Who are the people in your neighborhood", but again I can't find that one on you tube.
My Song
I don't know if I have ONE song, but this is a song that I LOVED as a child. It's message rings true to my life...Sing a song, sing out LOUD, don't worry if it's not good enough for anyone else to hear....just sing!
For my lover boy
I do love my man, and was especially grateful that he was there for me yesterday....not because it was the big holiday, but because he took care of the kids while I slept away most of the day, trying to recover.
This video is for you LG, I know you will enjoy!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I may be in trouble for blogging this because it doesn't follow the "no talking about the bedroom" rule. [If that doesn't get you to keep reading, I don't know what will]
Valentine's Day usually comes and goes around here without too much fanfare. We usually buy each other something small. Today LG got the movie, Tommy Boy, a trashcan basketball hoop and a card. I got a cd, a pedicure, and THIS card.
On the front of the card it says, "To my honey - I got you this LITTLE button to wear for Valentine's Day." It shows the part of the button through the cut out hole that reads "World's Greatest Lover"
When you open the card, it looks like the above photo, and reads, "Okay, so it's not that little." The rest of the button now shows and it really reads, "I got this from the World's Greatest Lover."
I have told you before that LG has a great sense of humor, right?
Well, it is just pure coincidence that this post follows the earlier one that is entitled Dead People. But, after reading poor Saxon's blog, I got thinking back to the days when I was a single girl, not looking forward to V-Day.
In High School, my friend Kristen Dillon and I used to sympathize with one another about our singlehood. We used to get each other something small to say I love ya. Two years after we graduated, I lived in Utah and she lived in California. She called me one night because she was so excited that the next day she was going to see our shared HS crush. She mentioned in passing that she had a late Valentine's Day card for me and that she would mail it when she got home.
I am not trying to be morbid. You have to realize that this has been 15 years ago. And, I only share this story because I know Kristen is up there laughing about the following story. Kristen died in a car accident on her way to go and see her secret lover.
The next week I found myself at her funeral. My sense of loss was very real and debilitating. Kristen's roommate walked in with a card in hand. As she passed it to me, I saw my name in Kristen's handwriting on the envelope.
Kristen would have loved the irony of this ending. Her and I shared a love of humor and literature. Here I sat, two rows back from her casket, shortly before the beginning of her funeral.
The front of the card read, "You may be getting a lot of flowers and cards this Valentine' Day."
The inside: "I told people you died last week."
The card was passed down the row from the hands of each of our friends. Every person reacted the same: jaw drop. Ah, Kristen, she was always good for a shocking laugh.
And, no matter how great each of my Valentine's Day have been since then, there will always be that one when I was single so long ago. Yes, sometims the love we share the week before Valentine's Day will always be more important than the actual day. Kristen taught me that.
Dead People
Anyhow, on the way home, I was very impressed with Abigail's observations of the night. She was telling me all about the people that she met.
"Mom, there was this really old guy who was 97. There was a lady who was deaf and they had to write everything on a paper for her. There was a black guy, and it was his birthday." She even told me the people's names.
Sophia and Bella were listening to the conversation and started asking Abigail questions about her adventure. Bella being inquisitive about the aforementioned deaf person asked me, "Mom why would they sing to a dead person?"
I was glad that the girls were paying attention to Abigail's story, but who would have guessed the dead person association of my 4 year old? I guess I better start writing my mommy speech now for reassuring Bella when it is her turn to go to a nursing home to sing. Really, how am I going to handle this with honesty? It's not like I can say, "No Bella, don't worry, there aren't any dead people at nursing homes."
This reminds me of another story. Back in December, we had an unfortunate death in the congregation that shares our building. I was in charge of our ward party that was to happen the evening following the funeral. I had a bunch of things that I needed to drop of at the church early because I had to work the next morning. So I stopped by the church late after the funeral was over.
I wasn't sure if they would have left the casket at the church overnight until the following day's graveside service. (I believe they did this with Grandma Gold in VA - every state law is different to this effect and I wasn't sure what TN law was) As my girls love to run the round hallways as soon as they get into the church, I warned them to stay close by because there may be a casket in the cultural hall. You can imagine where the conversation went from there...
"Mom, what's a casket?" "Why do dead people sleep in a casket?" "Why do they leave dead people in the church?" "What's a funeral?"
I had tried to play off all the questions so that they wouldn't be too afraid of ever entering the church ever again. I had told the girls that a funeral would be over the next morning and there was no reason to be afraid because a funeral is "like a party for dead people". O.k. hindsight is always 20/20! Yes, I could and should have given a better explanation than that.
If you couple Bella's amazing imagination with her slight anxiety, you can imagine what she thought was going on in the church at the party for dead people. I was surprised that she still wanted to go inside when I had given her the chance to just stay in the car while I ran a few things in. Do you think that she was showing bravery or did the sure terror of being alone in the van when the party all came out of the building egged her forward into the building with mom? I think it must have been the latter, the way she was clinging to my leg.
Either way, whenever I die, I hope all my girls will remember that they are invited to my party for dead people.
Monday, February 11, 2008
dad = goat
So this morning as we were getting the girls ready for school, all of the girls were telling their dad about their trips to see our friend's baby goats. Thanks to Grammy for the field trip. The girls just loved these baby goats. And thanks to Steve and Stori for their fun petting zoo.
Here is the goat with Bella. Isn't she cute? I was talking about the goat. This baby goat's name is Carameletta. Isn't that a cute name? Again, I am talking about the goat. The other two babies are Dotty and Pedro. (Pedro's the boy)
"We had to chase the babies dad. We caught Dotty. The baby one is called Dotty
because she has a lot of dots. The dad has a long beard. The dad is
harry-er. The mom goat looks like she is mad at you and being protective,
but she doesn't really care. The dad goat is bigger than the mom goat. They
were all so cute dad. They were so fun. The dad goat has bigger horns."
LG in response to the girls: (yes his wit is really keen in the mornings) "So, I think I got it all, tell me if I am right: the dad is fatter, harrier, and hornier?" Yep I guess that dad really does = goat.

I just rolled on the floor laughing. What a great way to start the day.
I think that Gina's hubby's humor is also a little twisted. Gina informed her hubby that I suggested he win a good hubby award, he said, "What does a man do to win the chubby award?"
Friday, February 08, 2008
If this article is true, WHY do my kids have to be to school by 7:45 every morning?
Thursday, February 07, 2008
'Tis better

"I think it would be a digression of a few hundred years to get someone like
Huckabee in The White House. He is totally religiously prejudiced. As a Mormon,
I cannot support him, knowing how he feels about my religion.
I have NEVER heard Romney put anyone else down...yes, he has faught the issues to the core, but he has never personally attacked anyone or their religious beliefs. He embodies Christianity and I think it is a shame that the people of our country have failed to see that a belief in God is one of the most important factors for this country to continue to be strong. How many people just turned their heads to Bill Clinton and his charade?
This speech was brilliant! As a conservative, I agreed with every word. Our societal woes are the things that the majority of our society want to continue to ignore (especially the liberal democrats) Romney's willingness to speak of such things is music to many of our ears.
I don't think that the end of the world is near because Romney has pulled out. I do think that it is the end of the world because so many people in the land of the free and home of the brave, have completely forgotten the God who has given them all the opportunities in the world.
It's a shame that many of those people are members of the Republican Party.
It is time to form a new party I think!"
I never knew she noticed.

Here is an image for our church's website.
This is what happened at the school today while I was there working with the kids.
Taylor: "Mrs. Gold, what church do you and Abigail go to?"
Me: "We attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
Abigail: "It's a mouthful, isn't it?"
My question, would it really be a horrible sin to go back to telling people that we are Mormon? It is just so hard for those of us that have to answer this question every day.
Oh baby!