Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas Ornaments

I just found these darling ornaments by linking this site from Rita's.

I love these great ornaments. They may really come in handy as replacements for Katie in New York, who put her Christmas tree up 2 weeks ago. And, she has two toddler sons. What was she thinking? I think that all of my girls are finally old enough to respect that Christmas ornaments break. Now, if I could just teach the cat to leave the tree alone, I may be motivated to put my tree up on Thanksgiving weekend like the rest of the country.


Lindsey Rose said...

Hey this ornaments are cool but I dont quite get the letters on them? What do they stand for? And I have to say that our christmas tree will not be decorated on the bottom half this year thanks to Benson.

Gina said...

We didn't put our tree up until Dec. 20th last year... I just didn't have the motivation to do it with a 13 month old who might pull it down multiple times a day, not to mention the cats.

I am glad you want to do it earlier this year... I will too! Those are great ornaments.

Unknown said...

If you go to the link she talks about the ornaments. They are people's initials. I think that Monograms will be more cool. I think she made them just by using blank ornaments with scrapbook rubons.

Rita said...

Hi Alice -- love these ornaments too! So simple, but pretty.

Speaking of scrapbook rub-ons -- there is a new scrapbook store in town on Broadway -- I loved it! I still haven't seen your scrapbooks, so I'm not sure what style you like -- but the store has only been open a week and it has a great, warm atmosphere. (in my opinion anyway!)

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!! And by the way -- love the pictures you added to your blog. (sorry -- I'm playing catch up -- haven't been on the computer too much lately!!!)

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