Friday, May 27, 2011

We grow

With you, I grow.
Side by side.
You're just a sap.
I am too.
Different kinds.

You flourish in the sun and rain.
And I watch.

You dance.
You cry.
You smile.
You laugh.
I watch.

I laugh.
I smile.
I cry.
I dance.
And I flourish.
Without knowing it.
Because I am always watching you.

You are my pride and joy.
Sprouted from my seed.
My best buddy.

You got my best leaves.
And your dad's roots and branches.

Your branches
are what I love best.
Because they fly in the wind.
I blinked.
And you went from a twig
to a full grown tree.
And now I feel small.
Smaller than ever
Because you are
such a greater tree than me.

You are strong.
You are my joy.
And my light.

I grew
while watching you grow.
But your growth is
so much greater
than mine.
And that makes me feel
like a sap.
All over again.
Both kinds.

You are my joy.
I keep watching.
And waiting.
Until someday
you will have a sapling of your own.
And then my growth
will become even greater.

Because it will
not just be mine.
But yours.
And your sap's.
And we will all grow together.
Until we have a forest.

And our joy
will be one.
You and me,
we will be done growing.
But our saplings
we will watch.

And we will feel
so small.
As small as a seed.
But as small
as we feel,
we will know that
we have great power.
Power as huge as a forest.

Because there will be
so many saplings.

And we will watch.
And smile.
And laugh.
And dance.
And cry.

And grow.

I love you Abigail. My darling darling young woman. You are such a joy to me. And I am so proud to be your mom and your friend.


ShEiLa said...

Beautiful sentiment!

You have a quite a talent for writing Miss Alice.


Amy said...

Alice this is so sweet. You are a great mom.

Rita said...

So beautifully written -- fitting for the lovely young lady you have raised.

Happy birthday to Miss Abigail. Cannot believe our babies are 12 now.

TeacherFromTN said...

This made me cry. So beautiful, so sweet, so exactly how I feel as a mom to EA. I always find my kids' birthdays to be bittersweet--the growing up is exciting and a little sad all at the same time.

Happy, Happy Birthday Abigail!

Anonymous said...

Happy 12th birthday, Abigail! We love you!

Angel, Jason and Christian

Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliments on the writing and also for Abigail's birthday wishes. We are all so privileged to know her and love her.

Thank you Susan for sharing my feelings. EA is a great girl too. We are so very blessed.

Lindsey Rose said...

Love it as always! She is beautiful and would do well to turn out like her momma!