I have always loved this old pioneer motto:
Fix it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
Who knew that life would take me on paths
where I got to master the skill of thrift?
I thought that once law school was over,
life would be peaches.
Boy, was I wrong.
I'm not complaining though.
Really thrifty is my newest resume builder.
It makes me a better wife and mother.
I am grateful to God for the trials that teach me.
I wouldn't have learned without them.
Here are three examples of ways I have learned thrift.
I plan to post some from time to time.
I hope you will enjoy.
I am not one to throw handicraft out as a way of bragging.
I can't stand braggy.
I just thought that you may get some ideas of your own
on how to be more thrifty,
and we can all use ideas like that
in today's economy.

1. Make your own gifts.
(this is so much cuter on my wall
I couldn't get the picture of the picture to work well,
but trust me when I say that LeGrand
loved this for Father's Day
almost as much as the Beef Jerky.)
That frame is amazing!!! and I love beef jerkey too. Second hand shopping and repurposing ARE so much more rewarding, you're totally right.
The other day I used a old king size duvet cover I had and made two small ones for my girls. They turned out super cute and cost nothing, plus I was able to use the old inserts that I was going to put in a yard sale. They're worth so much more to me now!
I love your post.
I love that dresser!!! This is exactly what I need to do in the kids' rooms.
Thrifty is smart -- and fun I think because it can be a challenge that often ends in the feeling of accomplishment. I mean wow -- your dresser really does look like it came from Pottery Barn and it cost a whole heck of a lot less!
You are my hero Alice!
Dang girl... you are doing awesome things. My new favorite channel on TV is HGTV(home and garden) and it pretty much stays on that channel even if I am working on something else. I love the dresser. Fantastic ideas.
I am so impressed. I am the first to admit that somehow when I was born, the decorating gene did not come in the package deal. I have little eye for it, and even less ability to create amazing things like that.
SO, for that reason, and very, very many others, I think you ROCK!
Sadly I dont have the decorating gene either. I decorate in two ways... clean or dirty. Sometimes I might even throw in only partly dirty if Im feeling really imaginative.
I love all these ideas & its not bragging... its inspiring!! Great job & please keep on bragging (LOL), you might actually inspire me to do something.
very nice Alice. My mom use to quote that motto all the time!
Hey, I am taking my blog private. I know your way to busy to comment or read much these days. I am with you there, although if you would like to read my blog occasionally let me know by e-mailing me at simplyafamily@live.com.
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