This is Kitty Bear.
She's a big part of my day today.

Yesterday I was having contractions at church.
I'm only 19 weeks.
I came home to put my feet up and they stopped.
Even though I am assured that everything will be fine with the baby,
I vowed to take it easy for the next few days.
So, last night, Bella goes to bed with a fever and thrashes through the night.
LG also goes to bed with a fever and a sick stomach and also thrashes through the night.
This morning I drug up LG with some Dayquil so that he can go to court.
As he leaves the house trying not to puke I hear his voice trail quietly, "I need a partner so bad."
I drug up Bella with some Tylenol because her fever is higher.
I wait for LG to return.
He looks ghost white and sweaty.
I put him to bed.
I put Abigail in charge and run Kitty Bear to the vet.
Kitty Bear pees all over me and my van on the way. I have been meaning to buy a kitty crate and never got around to it. Kitty Bear did not like that pillow case. I threw it away.
I watched Kitty Bear scratch the vet's eyes out while she got her vaccines and her tapeworm treatment.
I get an education about tapeworm. In the bottle it is all wound up like a spring and about 3 feet long. Kitty Bear has one of those inside of her. Yuck!
I go home. Everyone is managing and Bella seems to feel a little better. LG is knocked out.
I put Abigail in charge again and run to the store for whatever I can find that is a kid's form of Dayquil. It worked for LG and I want it for Bella.
Abigail calls me at the store. Sophia is throwing up.
I run some groceries by a friend's house who believe it or not has it worse than me today.
I run home.
I drug up Sophia and Bella.
Abigail and I do a little dance because we are the only members of the family who are not throwing up.
I forgot how violent it is when a man is hurling out his guts over a toilet.
I get everyone situated and make the rest of my Relief Society phone calls to make sure all the other sick people at church are taken care of.
I make dinner, clean up the disaster of a house, and sit. And try to find somewhere to put my feet up. It doesn't matter because I only get to sit for five minutes.
It's bedtime for Abigail and Bella and Sophia is thrashing.
I take care of Sophia and LG some more.
I do a load of laundry because the kids need their favorite pj's for school tomorrow.
I then realize that LG needs a shirt ironed for court tomorrow.
I iron.
Kitty Bear is making weird noises.
She throws up all over the carpet.
Sophia then proclaims that Abigail and I are indeed the only members of the family who aren't sick.
I feel another contraction and remember that I was supposed to be taking it easy today.
So much for that.
If this baby is to survive I think it must be a girl.
One more week and we shall see.
The good: Because I have been home playing nurse, I had time to blog today.
The bad: I will more than likely be up all night.
The ugly: The fact I have been wearing a shirt with cat pee on it since 11 am this morning.