Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Tennessee Spring

These pictures are for all of you to enjoy (and be jealous, if you will)!

But, these photos are especially for my anonymous naysayer who thinks that I am a Utah snob.

I remind you all that I am 2/3 California, 1/6 Utah, and 1/6 Tennessee.

But, I can't wait to be mostly Tennessee...I love it here.
How can anyone NOT love Tennessee in the Spring?
I dare to say that there are not many more prettier places throughout the country, during this time of year.

Now, August in TN, with all it's humid glory, that's a different story.
Stay tuned for the dogwoods...they aren't out yet. And, FYI, if you plan move to Tennessee, you better learn the name of lots plants and trees, or YOU will be the ignorant one. Everyone here knows so much more about nature than I do.

But, that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy it or appreciate it! Because I do SOOOO much!

Here's my version of Spring mixed with one of my favorite hymns.

For The Beauty of the Earth

For the beauty of the Earth,

For the beauty of the skies,

For the love, which from our birth,

Over and around us lies,

For the beauty of each hour,

Of the day of the night,

Hill and vale, and tree and flow'r,

Sun and moon, and stars of light,

For the joy of human love,

Brother, sister, parent, child,

Friends on earth, and friends above

For all gentle thoughts and mild,

Lord of all, to thee we raise,

This our hymn of grateful praise.


Klin said...

I love that song. I remember singing it in high school.

Those are some pretty pics.

For the record, there are no snobs in Utah! Well, I can dream can't I?

tiki_lady said...

OH MY GOSH! I am just dying over here! I love this post! I LOVE THIS POST!!! Can you hear me!!? I do not recall the song but I so am going to snag this post! Your pictures are beautiful they convey such emotion! that is what I think makes a beautiful photograph. A caption that evokes emotion either good or bad. LOVE LOVE IT!
Hey, I have longed no pined to live back in Utah. I have finally given up the dream and have accepted life as it is. WE have such great memories of Utah and it is still one of our favorite places to vacation. Ummm... if you want some stereotypes I could rattle off a ton about Utahns over your teeny weeny post of TOMOLES! LOL, but I won't because it might send some into cardiac arrest. The joy and the fun part is we can laugh at ourselves not at one another. NO matter what part of the country we are in.

Marilyn said...

Oh-I Love Love Love the photos. So happy to see those gorgeous trees. We don't have those here in AZ. Do they smell good too?? Glad to see what my boy is looking at this time of year-even though he is on the other state of your fair state.

One Happy Family said...

You did a great job on this! I love it! You have great photography talent.

Renee said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful song. We were just commenting on the way home how lovely the trees are. My husband can't stand Bradford Pear trees, but even he, in the Spring, admits they are so pretty.

Are you a gardener? I'm not great but every year I get a little better. Even if my plants die, it's so much fun to learn about them and how they grow!!!

Renee said...

Alice, don't take the "Utah snob" comments personally. Anyone who reads your blog can clearly see there isn't a snobby bone in your body!

Some people from out west come to the south with ideas that may or may not be accurate and sometimes they say or do things thinking it's funny, but it truly does hurt feelings. I think the southern natives are a little sensitive, that's all.

I think I'm going to start posting Utah jokes.... know any good ones? Hook me up, girl.

Yvonne said...

Those are beautiful pictures--I am VERY jealous.
I loved living in the south. I'm glad you are enjoying it there in Tennessee.

Mia said...

Spring in Tennessee is so beautiful. I love that hymn and those pictures. I wish everyone could experience a good spring and fall in Tennessee (when we are not in a drought). I love all of the places I have lived in my life, and TN is right at the top of the list (tied for first with Texas and Colorado ;). My favorite TN tree is the redbud, we are hoping to plant a couple this spring, but we KILL any plant we even attempt to grow so we will see.