This picture was from last week, when her performance left me hoping for me. (They haven't posted from this week yet) I have to say that I am way happy that she is keeping with the LDS modesty standard. I am sure the pressure is high to strip off those clothes. She looks and sounds so great, hopefully she won't succumb to our sleazy society.
LG loves her because she isn't one of THOSE contestants that has to put her fingers up to tell you which number to call in. (That is so annoying)
And, tonight, we find out that she plays the guitar, too...the girl is way too talented. She sings, plays guitar and piano, and she can do hair. I really do love her voice.
Even, if she is a molly Mormon.
this has nothing to do with Brooke White or anything American Idol because (get ready) we don't have any TV channels. none. So anyway, I am reading "Papa Married a Mormon" and I just love it. Thanks for the recommendation, it's a classic case of not judging the book by the cover cuz this one is super old and uninviting. :) It's a great book. Have you read A girl Named Zippy by HAven Kimmel? We read it last month and I thought of you. i think you'd like her sense of humor.
LOVED Brooke! My husband and I looked at each other and both said-she's back! Also loved David and I watched him 3 times. (love DVR)
DAVID! He is definitely in the top 2, is my call! Molly Mormon, come on Brooke, you have to represent! She is dressing really cute and modest. So, it can be done. You just have to be a size 0 or 2! That leaves me out. Just call me frumpy.
she really does have a beautiful voice & she is dang cute. what fun to watch her on ai.
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i'm in the process of updating the shop, so not everything is listed.
thanks for the interest.
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