Learn one VITAL sign in ASL: Eat food!
As opposed to Eat poo ("U-no-poo" was one of my favorite parts of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling)Wouldn't I love to be like J.K. Rowling someday!
Well, this entry is dedicated to one vital facet of Mormon life.....the potluck dinner. I must say that before moving to Tennessee, I really liked potlucks. But, too many bad experiences in my congregation here have quite turned me off. At our Christmas party last year, we ran out of food.....a Christmas party with not enough food???????
And sometimes after church on Sundays we have what is called a "linger longer" where all people bring food items of their choice and after our 3 hours of meetings we dine together. Or, we are supposed to dine together.
Last year I made a vow to never attend a linger longer again. On this particular Sunday, I left disgusted with potluck dinners. I had taken 3 dozen homemade rolls and two very yummy and large salads. When it came time to eat I found myself at the back of a very long line. I gathered 3 empty plates for my children and was astounded when all that was left of the spread was some yucky mac-n-cheese- and a 3 quarter empty rice-cooker with cold hard rice. My kids were starving and the people ahead of us had been VERY RUDE and gotten themselves very large servings and sometimes even TWO plates. I couldn't believe my eyes! I told LG that I would never attend a linger longer again.
Yesterday, after church, LeGrand came home and said, "Alice, you aren't going to like this, but...." I had no idea what he was going to say....only the worst was going through my mind.....(IDEAS: the Bishop wants us to donate a $1,000, I have been called on a mission to Zimbabwe, I want a divorce)
I braced myself, and inquired. He said,"I think that we should go to the Linger Longer next week." I lovingly questioned him and he put forth some powerful arguements and I agreed that I would go, but that I would stash enough lunch for the kids in the diaper bag, just in case.
As LG walked back to our bedroom to change out of his suit, I hollered, "LG, you aren't going to like this, but, I think we should have another baby." (No, I am not announcing anything)
LG, turned quick on his heels, met me in the kitchen, made eye contact and said, "O.k. Alice, we don't have to go to the linger longer." Isn't he funny?
P.S. I think he talked me out of Baby #4 for now.
1 comment:
Atleast they ate your food. I take something to these things that, back home, would be gobbled up. Does anyone try it here? Never. And I am a great cook! Ask anyone in my family! And the pimento cheese sandwiches are the first things to go....yuck!
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