Wednesday, March 06, 2013


This little lion has been with Caroline from birth.

It was a baby shower gift.
Thanks Aimee!!
Caroline named her
sometime in her first year.
Her name is 
or Newga.

Every night before this sleeping angel goes to sleep
we have a routine.
We go potty, change into clean panties and p.j.'s, and read three books.

We then give each other big kisses
and I say,
"I love you the mostest."
She then repeats it back to me
anywhere between 5 and 10 times.

Then I pull out Newga
(the last step til sleep)
and proceed to shower Caroline
with kisses from her favorite lion pal.

Caroline always tells Newga to "Stop it Newga"
while trying to hide under her covers.
Newga promises to behave,
Caroline comes out
and gives her a kiss
and then shares with lioness
her favorite pink blankie.

As I walk out of the room
I say
"Goodnight Caroline.
Goodnight Newga."

Thank you to
Ms. Sunshine
(the pre-school teacher)
for a very permanent reminder
of how powerfully
this nightly ritual
speaks love
into Caroline's heart.

Caroline brought this home on Valentine's Day.
I am so glad Ms. Sunshine
wrote down exactly what
Caroline told her
even if she had no idea
what she was talking about.

We all knew
exactly who Caroline

I am so grateful to God
for giving me Caroline.
She is spoiled rotten.
We all love her so much.

Thank you God for Caroline
and for Newga
as a nightly reminder of
how blessed I am
to love and be loved.

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