Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mommy wasn't giggling

When the toddling tornado wreaked havoc.

But apparently, other moms get it, so they featured one of Caroline's photos on their blog.

I love mommy giggles.

Go over and give them a photo that makes you chuckle.

You could win $25 every month.

And we all know, every mom needs two things:
more giggles, and more money?

Of course I wasn't going to say more kids.
We've got plenty of those.


Harmony said...

Awesome Photo. My son was also on there ...He is the one with the Tagline: Hmmm thought I would have gotten more distance.

Love all the fruit loops too!

Heather Matthews said...

Thanks Alice! You are too kind to do another post about MommyGiggles! I could just kiss you for it :)