Sunday, June 26, 2011

Korea's Got Talent

It's time for a feel-good video.
It's Sunday and I rest.

This video is a universal message.
Love everyone.

Be kind,
for everyone
you meet
is fighting
a hard battle. ~Plato


ShEiLa said...

That was the perfect feel-good video to start my day... I could hardly believe what I was hearing... witnessing. What an amazing young man for all of the hardship he has suffered... I hope that for him he finds his dream after fighting the hard battle.


ps.Thanks Alice!

Anonymous said...

well by golly I am crying! what a story! what a life! I am so thankful for his opportunity!


Holly said...

I love that idea--be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their own battles. Isn't that the truth. And we never really see what those battles are, until that moment when we have been kind for long enough that we are deemed trustworthy.

And the video was beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :)