I love summer because it allows for my Southern California beach pace of life to be lived guilt free. I have NO AMBITION in the summer and I prefer it that way. However I do not subscribe to a belief that ALL people should live this way. To each is own. I apologize profusely to you Stacey if my teasing hurt your feelings. We are definitely different animals, but I want you to know that I believe there is room for both of us in the same animal kingdom. Just as there is room for bees and sloths. You would be the bee, I would be the sloth.
I teased my new friend Stacey for her differences and she recently wrote about it on her blog. I wrote a comment back to my friend Stacey in response to her blog post about being teased for her rigid summer schedule, I thought it was worth a good share.
Here are my feelings about a summer pace. I am sure some of you will be horrified and I hope with all my heart that some of you will back me up on my lazy summer lifestyle.
Hi, my name is Alice and I am the teaser. I feel perfectly comfortable teasing people because I welcome them to dish it back.
It is 4:00 and I am sitting here in my underwear reading your blog. I just got up from a 2 hour nap. M yhouse isn't looking so hot today and the folded laundry has been sitting out on my sewing table since Monday waiting to be put away.
I don't have an affinity for T.V. and my kids usually get bored with it after a couple of movies, and by afternoon we explore ideas on what they would like to do with this lazy summer day.
Once a week, I get really ambitious and take my kids to play group and on Monday's we go to the library. Besides that we try to go with the flow and try to underschedule in the summer to make up for the overscheduling during the school year.
I need to teach my kids better responsibility. I probably need more scheduling in my life and even though I tease for fun but also really think you could stand for some flexibility, I think you are great mom. Everyone needs to be comfortable in their own skin and this is what really matters.
When both of your kids get in school and you are scheduled to the second all school year, you may find yourself on some distant summer day undressed at 4:00 and you may even be totally fine with it.
I love you Stacey and I am so glad you are my friend. And secretly I am jealous of all the things that you and your kids are experiencing this summer. We aren't too driven around here. Our only goal is to eat one box of otter pops per week.
I admire women that can schedule a summer's worth of activities.
I however am more like you Miss Alice. I love being able to NOT have a schedule... especially when I was amidst the raising of my kiddos.
I like Stacey am a TV addict... but in the summer seriously its
100+ degrees outside and usually more than 110... and I hate the heat so I stay indoors.
I know that we are all different for a reason and there is joy in accepting each other's differences.
Opposites attract and thanks heavens we are not all EXACTLY alike.
When I quit FB lots of people couldn't understand why... they wanted me to come back... but its not on the top of my priority list.
The only reason I am dressed while reading this today is because I was too lazy to make breakfast so I ran to McDonalds instead. Beside me on my unmade bed is an empty bag of Pecan Sandies and a half eaten bag of sugar wafers. I am procrastinating about getting up and getting ready for VBS so I will most likely be going with dirty hair. Is that lazy enough for you?
Crazy. I told you on my blog it didn't hurt my feelings. I think that you are wonderful and I love you because you are not afaid to be you. I don't want us to be the same, because then this journey would be very boring. I do want to be friends though.
Everything has a time and season and I am sure I will be doing the relaxed side of summer in due time. Cheers to doing our own thing. Love ya.
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