Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dog Gone It

I'm 30 weeks pregnant.

Spring has brought on time constraints with a vengence.

The dirt in my house is so much more evident when the sun is shining.

It's soccer season....enough said.

The children and I have a combined total of
5 doctor appointments in the next two weeks alone.

I've got 20 school commitments over the next month.

You know....field trips, programs, PTSO responsibilites, and helping teachers.

That's not even considering the regular homework, projects, and catching up on AR points.

Tonight I spent an hour in the yard just prepping it to be mowed.

It's a jungle out there.

I know I am blessed.

But really I am tired.

Life is tiring.

I just want to forever.

So, I saw this dog.

And he reminded me to roll my windows down.

And breathe some fresh air.

It's spring.

And dog gone it, I need some fresh air.


ShEiLa said...

Good for YOU!!!!

In the event you have not yet learned to say no... let me help you.

nnnnnn + ooooooo = NO!
Say it with emphasis. When you have trouble saying no you end up with too much on your plate. You won't have time for fresh air if you are running 100 mph. Trust me I have been there.


tiki_lady said...

take time to breathe that air in and give yourself a break! don't over extend!

Bunch of Brooks' said...

Yeah, I was just thinking today... I ALWAYS do the "drive-thru" at school to pick up my kids because it's easier than unloading and reloading everyone, but today I decided to park and walk in to get them. It honestly felt good to get out, enjoy the beautiful weather and take a short walk. It's so easy to do what's fast and convenient and not take time to soak up the good things about life. Glad you got some fresh air too!!

Klin said...

Dog gone good advice;)

sherry said...

I love sticking my head out the window. But, I yell at the top of my lungs. Not only do you clear your head you clear you lungs too. And all those around you...

Anonymous said...

You are a very busy women, and about to get busier in a few weeks.

Take it easy girl.

Lori said...

Good advice from Fido. All the "stuff" can get claustophobic sometimes.

Donna said...


The Wills Family! said...

Sounds to me like someone needs to lighten her load...and breathe that much needed spring air. Hope your pregnancy is going well! Keep us informed :)

Marla said...

30 weeks already! YEA!!! You are busy. Thanks for stopping by with the gift! I really appreciate it!

cally said...

You're so good Ali.
You shall sleep again...someday.
I'm excited for this baby!!

Anonymous said...

Take some time for you, Breathe deep and pick up the phone, then let go of some of those school commitments.

It is OK to say "NO" or to back out of things!

As mothers we would do well to show our girls how to not over load our selves with to many things.

Don- Ash -Carter -Levi said...

I'm not even 30 weeks pregnant yet but "dog gone it" I'm tired too! whew!

Rita said...

((HUGS)) Life is hectic and crazy -- but we all need to roll down the windows for some fresh air. Hope you've gotten a nice break and some R&R over the long weekend!

Miss you guys...hope to see you soon! Guess I should show up at soccer practice every now and then...but Matt usually barks orders at me and Nicholas tries to escape and I end up more exhausted than necessary! LOL

Gina said...

You are so wonderful, Alice! Keep up the good work. I know it's hard, but you make it seem easy! I pray you'll get some extra winks.