We all survived. Barely.
Can you think of anything better for a person's quest for perfection than spending 4 days with 40 tired and weary reunion going family members?
I can't think of anything more joyful.
Or more trying.
But, you will be pleased to know that there were only a few little spats between the brothers and sisters.
I guess we are all growing up.
Which is quite obvious by the amount of bodies present.
And, it's all because two people fell in love.

That series of shots was a great idea and I love how you got everyone to wear a white t-shirt. It does make it look so clean and lovely.
These are really great pictures. What a great setting for family photos. Everyone so nice and tan. I'll share with my mom and she'll want to go and do the same thing. Every year she comes up with something new for us to wear for family photos. Last year it was shirts from the university we graduated from... or favorite sports team if you didn't graduate college...nice, right?! Well, had Romney won a spot in the presidential race guess what we would be wearing in our family pictures. Yes, although not everyone is a fan she already had her Christmas card message ready..."Another Family for Mitt". It's always a bit bothersome because nothing goes that smoothly with half a dozen kids and impatient adults, but definitely worth the memories. (sorry for the x-long comment)
Welcome home...cute haircut by the way!
Hey girlfriend... I love the family fotos. Love the white against the Utah red hills. I love your hair too. Did you cut it after I saw you??? I think you did.
I am glad that you are home safe at last.
Your family looks cute. Love how and where you did your pictures.
GORGEOUS FAMILY! Thanks for posting those! I love your hair! :)Miss you guys!
woa!!! You little miss funny was in Utah when I was out of Utah, I wish for the life of me that I could meet you in person, you remind me of me, that must mean you rock, and holy posts wonderwoman, you must have been up all night slaving away for us misley little peeps. Thanks.
nice pics--are those taken down in MY neck of the woods?
those pics are gorgeous not to mention you got all 40 people smiling and looking in the same direction, with their eyes open. YOu have a very beautiful family and are very beautiful yourself!
Loved your family pictures - but sorry I couldn't zoom in on them to see how everyone looks, especially the grandkiddos! To be able to tell all my kids - wear a white shirt, and they would do it??? I have one in the bunch who would come in something different. I'll let you figure out which one:)
And no, I wasn't very wise, just dumbfounded at the dumb MetroUK links you posted. Thought you were in hibernation!
Wow, what great pictures. You have a beautiful family.
I love these pictures! You look so good, and now you can update the pictures on your wall. Hooray! Isn't it crazy that your family is really because of the decision your parents made. I love it.
LOVE these pictures! What an amazing backdrop and a beautiful family!
Still jealous that I didn't get to see you but I guess I'll get over it :)
Great family pictures! I love the location and the coordinating clothes. aren't family reunions the best and worst all wrapped up together? traveling with kids is just hard.
What great photos! Beautiful family - you all are blessed for sure.
Those are adorable pictures!!
What a big gorgeous family!
What a terrific picture--the desert backdrop is so dramatic!
What wonderful family photos Alice! I'm so happy that you got to spend time with your family.
Those are such great photos. I love the setting. (There are so many babies--how fun ; )
Those photos are gorgeous! And you look so beautiful! Love your hair!
okay seriously...i love your hair...and i don't even know 21 people. your comment number is getting out of control.
you're pictures are awesome. so fun.
i'm home by the way.
whoa whoa, wait a minute...is that scribbit i see? who are you?
this is comment number 23.
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