Friday, July 04, 2008

I do like Mickey D's

Why does her name have to be Alice?


ShEiLa said...

love mickey d's

Alice said...

Where to start? Tacky. Nasty. I hate McDonalds. OK, I like their burgers for some unknown reason, but I still despise them. *groan*

Marla said...

Oh that is so funny. Really, they were serious?

Mindi said...

two words: class. y.

Mia said...

No lie, that is the first place we headed after leaving the temple. Neither of us had made it to breakfast that morning, we had been up since 4 (me) 5 (him) and we weren't eating a planned meal until dinner at the reception where we figured we would be too busy to eat. Of course neither of us was dressed in our wedding clothes and we swung through the drive thru. Best meal of the day!!!