Here is the long awaited fridge entry. Lori posted her fridge on her blog and so I thought I would show you all what a fridge slob I am. Here is the content lists:
View A
1- Abigail's Spelling List
2- Family Scripture Reading Chart (We've been working on finishing the Book of Mormon for 3 years - we are finally in Mormon!)
3- Gospel Magnets (gift from my sister in law in ID years ago - made from stamps on floor tile with magnets)
4- Kids School Work (didn't Bella do a good job of painting herself?)
5- Café Menu/Class News
6-Primary Pic (notice Abigail is thankful for her family and asked that I could hurry and finish our floors)
7-Letter Magnets ASB (Abigail, Sophia, & Bella of course)
View B
1-Chore Charts (when we had an FHE to discuss what we should do better as a family, the girls requested new chores?)
2- School Schedules (what time I volunteer and lunch times and teachers e-mails to keep me straight)
3- Cell Phone #’s 4 sitters
4- Fathers day Post it gift (handmade by yours truly with three little girls help)
5- Sm. White Board (for scribbling)
6-Dry Erase Marker Holder (never used)
7-Metal Pen Holder (holds all kinds of junk)
View C
1-Library Handout (open library time at the school on Mondays)
2- I have no idea! (just went and looked - an invite to a Bday dinner for LG and I)
3- Halloween Party flyer
4- Favorite Church Handouts(*The kingdom of God or nothing*A home is made of brick and stone a house is made of love alone*Saying you can forgive, but not forget is like saying you cannot forgive*Leave people better than you found them)
5- Favorite Fam Pics
6-Family Rules
Bravo! What an excellent fridge! My favorite is the scripture reading chart. We've never attempted to read straight through with the kids. Three years, huh? We may never try.
What a great fridge! Ours has nothing on it...but I do have a mess of stuff on my laundry room wall ... calendars, notes, pictures, etc. I'm sure it will only get worse as my kids get older and into more stuff.
P.S. I love your blog and hearing great stuff about your family!
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