Thursday, August 18, 2005

Free Kitchen

My mother-in-law called this afternoon and told me that I just had to enter into the Lowe's and The Early Shows' "I Want a Kitchen Makeover Contest". She feels sorry for me and my kitchen. She called and expressed her faith in me being able to write something that would convince the contest people that I need that kitchen more than anyone else!

[Sidenote: Faye(my mother-in-law) is redoing her kitchen right now and was tempted to enter for herself, but says that I need it more than she does. She just knows that I will have such a good chance of actually winning]

Well, I think these types of contests are totally rigged (like the show's producers sat around trying to figure out how they could get their mother a new kitchen without having to pay for it)! But, because Faye was so insistent I went ahead and sent the above picture with the following poem.

Keep in mind, I was only allowed a 50 word essay to express why I deserve a kitchen.
Pyrex exploded, ruined my floor.
Two year old paint, coats, need 3 more.
Husband in law school and 3 small kids.
No dishwasher, enough said!
Light and fan broken.
Now we use floor lamp, no jokin’.
I love to cook, even entertain.
But, my kitchen is driving me insane.
Don't you think I should win this contest? Who else can come up with something more sorry?

1 comment:

Tennessee Jed said...

Good luck! I hope you win! Sounds like you could use the blessing