
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A message from my five year old.

I think she was going to write her name, which is Bella.
(Actually, it's Isabella, but she will be the first to tell you to call her Bella.)
But, I don't think she finished her work.
And so the message of the day is plain and simple:
I like it.
Mostly, as we work on mastering ourselves.
Sometimes when we get discouraged, we can remember this message.
We can just Be.
Sometimes being is enough.
Being is a great blessing from God.


  1. Absolutely--we all need to be.

  2. I love it! A great message for anyone. I think I spend too much time looking at others lives (which is so easy to do these days) and seeing what they are "be-ing" and I get so down on myself for not doing as much. I am going to go BE now.

  3. This is so timely!!!!

    My 6 year old son can't read so we've been pwrking on phonics cards. One is a whole card of she, he, we, me...etc. Anyway, everytime he gets to BE I start singing 'Let It Be' only I make him fill in the blank.
    "Let it ___....Let it ____...Let it _____...OOOH, Let it ______"

    We are corny beyond measure. :)

  4. Yesterday a neighbor of mine saw me at the post office and said, Sheila were is it that you are working? I quickly responded... oh, I am not. I am just being. Then I also added under my breath... hopefully not being too lazy. Ü I love Bella's art.

  5. I love it, great advice.

  6. I love Bella's message -- it's perfect!

    And her drawing is cute as can be too! :)

  7. Thoughts from a 5 year old, profound!

  8. Thank you- that was perfectly stated

  9. sometimes keeping it simple is what we adults mess up--way to go bella!

  10. I made Paul put the kids to bed last night and made something for you. Now, you will just have to wait for me to get it in the mail. It might be a while...

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That hits the mark so well! I love it!!!

  12. Great message Bella and Alice. Love it.

  13. Love it. Good advice.


Leave me something better to read than the spammers. Pretty please.