
Wednesday, July 16, 2008


"You must not lose faith in humanity.
Humanity is an ocean;
if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,
the ocean does not become dirty."
~Mahatma Gandhi
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  1. Great quote--thank you.

  2. yes, great quote, but also great photo too!!!!

  3. I tend to focus on the few who 'muddy the puddle' for everyone... you know tha saying... the 'squeaky wheel gets the grease'? I think that there can be 100 people & 25 are miserable individuals and they spread the misery around so well... that you don't notice the 75 well adjusted happy campers just playing quietly in the mud puddle.

  4. I totally agree- what a beautiful quote. You've been my calm and inspiration for the last two days when I wake up and read your blog.

  5. That quote is really powerful -- and so true.

    It is way too easy to focus on the bad over the good. This was a great reminder that there is always hope -- if we have faith!

  6. My favorite quote. Did you steal that from my page? jk!

  7. If that quote is on your page, I did not get it from there KatyBeth...I am a really funny blogger that way...I HAVE to give credit where credit is due. I hate it when people blog from my blog and don't at least give me a tiny little link!

    It is a great quote...I got it from a quote RSS feed that I belong to.

  8. I have faith in humanity.

  9. Words of Wisdom.

    I love this.


Leave me something better to read than the spammers. Pretty please.