
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Book Review: On Little Wings

On Little WingsOn Little Wings by Regina Sirois

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I reviewed this book on the kindle, so coming over to goodreads to write my review and seeing the actual cover has made my day. And it's only 10am. The cover is perfect. I love the title of this book, especially when it reveals itself in the actual story. One could say that this book is a compelling argument for the saying, "Let love go, and see if it comes back to you." More than likely if the love is true, it will fly back to you on the wings of angels, even if it takes far too much time.

While reading this book, I mentally added another place in the good ol' United States that I must visit. I want to go up and experience the fishing industry in the Northeast. It sounds like a place that an honest tough girl like me would fit in just right.

What is the book about? A teenage girl from Nebraska finds out she has a family member that her mom has never before mentioned. Feeling very betrayed, she takes a summer visit to her long-lost auntie's (her mom's sister) house on the coast. The story is the ultimate summer adventure full of great characters and lessons of love. Great characters really sounds way too modest. They are amazing characters. Amazing. So amazing I would love to see a sequel. An old cantankerousness woman named Little was by far my favorite character. She is where the wings all come together.

Throughout the book the author ever so sly-fully included lines from classic literature, putting a large focus of the book on the power of words. I loved this aspect of the book and I loved the author's voice. She wrote beautifully reminding me that the power of words is not limited to classic writers, but it lives within all of us.

Thank you Regina for letting me review your book. I highly recommend it to everyone. Great great story.
The paperback is only $10.95 and the kindle ebook is only $2.99. That's a steal! Get it NOW. You won't regret it.

Read this article about how Regina's book shot up in sales in January right between Water For Elephants and The Help. Be jealous; she's self-published and living the dream. She deserves it. I can't wait to see what she writes next.

I think this may be Regina's blog. I am going to be a follower once I figure it out for sure. I am so stinkin proud of her and so enamored with her work.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Alice,
    Thank you for the smile you put on my face. Thank you for your kind words about my book. But most of all, thank you for being a person in the world who spreads warmth and humor and friendship when there are so many people doing... otherwise! I love your blog and am glad I discovered it today.
    Best wishes!


Leave me something better to read than the spammers. Pretty please.