
Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm so pretty and witty and wise

I am quoting the words to an old song called "I'm so pretty"(for those of you who are not familiar with the theatre)...From the words of the song, I guess it was an original version of "You're so vain"!
My MaryKay stuff arrived on Friday and I now feel pretty and witty and wise all at once. (I usually just feel witty and wise - ha) Thank you to Michelle for hosting the giveaway.

I am so happy to have won something, especially free eye make up remover and brushes and moitsurizer. And, I have already put some samples to the test, and with the rest, I plan to have a make-up party with my girls.

Now if someone could mail me about 10 extra hours so that I can get around to all my posts, I would really appreciate it.


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I'm so jealous!!

  2. YEah! I love MK! Tell me about the extra hours. I am so far behind in blogging but I have taken many pictures and can't wait to share them of our adventures. TIME!

  3. Fun prize you got there Alice -- and I already knew you were PRETTY and WITTY and WISE! :)

  4. It's so beautiful. I can't remember the last time I had new makeup! You're already pretty and witty and wise though!

  5. I am so glad you got it finally! I was beginning to worry. I guess I missed this post!!


Leave me something better to read than the spammers. Pretty please.